When facing bad credit, a lot of consumers immediately consider bankruptcy,
thinking that there is no other way to resolve their debt problem.
But before taking any drastic step, why not first get help from a trusted credit counseling agency?
Listed below are signs that you may need to acquire professional credit counseling service:
Creditors are calling you to collect payment.
Do you receive constant calls from your creditors reminding you about your past due debts? If yes, then obviously, there is a problem going on. Remember that hiding from your creditors will not resolve anything. Instead, ignoring the true status of your debts only aggravates the problem.
As you skip your monthly payments, your debts continue to accumulate because of interest rate charges and late fees. If you don’t act fast, there might be no other option left but bankruptcy. Speak with your creditors and negotiate your debts. If you feel like you cannot negotiate it on your own, a credit counseling agency can help you.
Your monthly salary is not enough to cover for your expenses.
Do you find that your monthly earnings barely cover for your expenses? If yes, there is a risk that you overlook your repayment duties to your creditors which can lead to more debt. Seek help now, before things get too complicated.
You need to use your credit card in order to get by.
If you have to pay for your groceries and daily needs with your credit card just to get them, then obviously, you are facing financial disaster. Keep in mind that if you fail to pay your monthly balance in full, you will immediately incur the additional interest rate cost. Even worse, if you fail to submit your payments in two months, your credit card issuer can increase your interest rate.
You need to take out a short term loan to pay for another debt.
If you have to borrow money to pay another creditor, then you are already in the middle of a serious debt situation. Keep in mind that short term loans and loans for bad credit usually carry high interest rates. If you fail to pay back the loan on time, you will be facing an even bigger problem.
Money matters get in the way of your personal relationships.
Behavioral issues such as compulsive shopping and gambling can sometimes be the real cause of financial crisis. A professional credit counselor will not only teach you strategies on how to get out of debt but will also be able to help you cope from a behavioural issue which can bring a long term relief from bad debt.
Seek Help Now!
Indeed, you don’t need to wait until your debt situation worsens before seeking out credit counseling. It is not true that if you take credit counseling, your credit history will be affected. In fact, if you are struggling with debt repayment or you’re not sure of how to manage your finances effectively, it’s best to seek help now before it’s too late.
Contact a professional credit counselor now: Credit Repair Agencies
Oh my god.. I can pretty much put a check on every single criterias here. I mean of course I know my situation is serious, but reading my own problem explained so thoroughly is really scary. This means I’m pretty much headed towards bankruptcy and my only alternative would be to speak to a credit counselor. I don’t know how I let things get so out of hand.. I wish I could turn back the time just two years.
I was in denial of the reality, but after reading this article it’s clear that I need professional credit counseling. I guess the first step to getting out of debt is accepting the reality and that’s what I’m doing right now. The truth is I was confident that I’d be out of this mess in no time, but 3 years has passed since I put myself in this predicament and I’m still facing the same aproblems. It’s time I guess, it’s time to get some professional help.
Hi Chris
Sometimes its really hard to realize when we have too much on our plates! Its good to let go and let someone help us. If you need any suggestions for companies to work with feel free to contact these companies: Lexington Law Firm is a company that does credit repair 1-877-676-5958 and curadebt they are a debt counseling service 1-888-349-5949
Good luck and I hope you get your situation under control soon!
Hi Priorities,
Don’t we all wish we could turn back the hands of time and have a “do over”. Best thing to do now is to move forward and not let it get much worse!
Good luck!