When filing for bankruptcy is the only option left, hiring a bankruptcy attorney is the best move.
Why so? Since the amendment of bankruptcy policies, the process of filing has become more complicated. Preparing the necessary documents is also not as easy as before.
Having a bankruptcy attorney to assist you with the preparation and filing will help you avoid unnecessary delays or conflicts.
Here are some tips on how to choose a competent bankruptcy attorney:
Is the attorney well known in the community for providing reliable service? How many bankruptcy cases has he handled successfully? What do former clients have to say about this attorney? Does he charge fairly for his services?
Can he show proofs or credentials of his profession? What is his field of specialization? How much does he know about bankruptcy?
A lot of lawyers have increased their charges since the new bankruptcy law was passed. This is because lawyers are given more accountability with regards to ensuring the accuracy and legality of the documents. However, a trusted bankruptcy attorney must not demand unreasonable fees especially considering his client’s financial situation.
The law firm he works for.
Working with an attorney who works for a large law firm can be an advantage when it comes to scheduling meetings. A sole practitioner may handle different bankruptcy cases on his own and setting appointments could be a problem.
Genuine support.
Going through bankruptcy is a serious situation and you need all the support you can get, especially when it comes to legal matters. Aside from helping you submit your bankruptcy application, an ideal bankruptcy attorney must also give advice on how you can better manage your finances.
Finally, you can’t work with a lawyer who can’t be trusted. Filing for bankruptcy means you’ll be providing confidential details about your finances to your lawyer. Giving out delicate information into the wrong person can be dangerous.